Michelle Smart


Send this author my credit card details. Sign me up for everything she writes. What a fun, heartfelt, exhilarating, thrilling and emotionally charged story from the very first page to the very beautiful last page. I loved every single word. Harlequin Junkie

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Heir Ultimatum 

Her demand: five million
His counteroffer: marriage!

When waitress Layla’s attempts to contact Sebastiano Russo after their spontaneous, desire-fueled encounter go unanswered, she's left no choice. Her plan? Wait until she finally sees him again three months later, convince him to lower his guard…then handcuff him and deliver her bombshell. She’s pregnant.

Supporting her unborn child is Layla’s top priority, so demanding a small share of Sebastiano’s billions seems reasonable enough. Then he gives her an ultimatum of his own—double or nothing if, to distract the world from some inconvenient business headlines, she’ll marry him in Sicily…

"This love story was epic, in my opinion. It was special." Eva K, Beyond the Pages

Heir Ultimatum Playlist